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Submitter's Information


Aaron Deetz




Bay Area


Chabot College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Deonne Kunkel Wu

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Digital Imaging

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Applied Photography (101200)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

The Certificate of Achievement in Photography is a commercial photography degree that emphasizes digital photography methods, processes, and technology providing students the knowledge and skills required to work as a professional photographer. The core program courses provide a foundational knowledge using digital capture techniques, processing and output of finished photographs. Elective courses provide students the flexibility to select an area of emphasis that develops photographs technically and conceptually based on their own individual aesthetic. Throughout the program students will have the opportunity to participate in photography exhibitions and develop a professional portfolio that can be used to enter the photographic industry.

Enrollment Completer Projections

In the past year, we had one student earn the previously named Certificate of Achievement in Digital Photography. Although one certificate is low, it is in line with half of the other regional community colleges in the Bay Area that awarded certificates in photography; Laney (1), Napa (1), Solano (2). Updating the course title, and providing more flexibility for students to select their own emphasis by increasing the number of elective courses, will improve the number of completers for the Certificate of Achievement in Photography. It is anticipated that the updated certificate will eventually be awarded to 5 completers, the average number of certificates awarded by Bay Area by regional community colleges. Note, the average number of certificates awarded in the Bay Area region is heavily influenced by San Francisco Community College that awarded 26 certificates.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

The Certificate of Achievement in Photography is designed for students interested in working in the photographic industry. The degree provides students with the opportunity to develop the techniques, visual sensibility, historical understanding, and best practices working with digital photographic processes. The Photography certificate is offered for the student seeking to enter the photographic industry as a photographer or digital artist. Job opportunities include: Commercial Photographer, Portrait Photographer, Studio Photographer, Food Photographer, Automotive Photographer, Wedding Photographer, Technical Photographer, Freelance Photographer, Photo Editor, and Digital Artist.

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

The required courses (PHOT 1A, Digital Photography I & DIGM 1, Introduction to Digital Art), provide foundational digital imaging skills and techniques students need to be successful in the industry. In addition to the required courses, there are 10 additional Photography courses and 17 additional Digital Media courses that students can select from for the electives to complete the certificate, including: PHOT 1B (Digital Photography II), PHOT 3A (Introduction to Studio Lighting), PHOT 3B (Advanced Studio Lighting: Portraiture), PHOT 3C (Advanced Studio Lighting: Product & Still Life), PHOT 4A (Color Theory for Photographers), PHOT 4B (Advanced Color Photography Methods), PHOT 5A (Photography Portfolio), PHOT 5B (Photography Exhibition), PHOT 6A (Photoshop), PHOT 6B (Advanced Photoshop). DIGM 2 (Introduction to Graphic Design), DIGM 3 (Color and Design), DIGM 4A (Digital Illustration), DIGM 4B (Digital Illustration II), DIGM 5 (Typography), DIGM 7 (Design and Layout), DIGM 8A (Graphic Design Studio), DIGM 8B (Graphic Design Studio II), DIGM 10 A (Introduction to Animation), DIGM 11 (Video Editing), DIGM 12A (Motion Graphics), DIGM 13 (2D Animation), DIGM 14 (3D Modeling & Animation), DIGM 15 (Web Design Fundamentals), DIGM 16 (HTML and CSS for Designers), DIGM 17 (Interactive Web Design II), DIGM 20 (Digital Portfolio & Promotion). This provides additional flexibility for students allowing them to specialize within their chosen field of photography, graphic design, web design or digital media.

Program Requirements
(Y1 or S1)
PHOT 1ADigital Photography I3Y1
DIGM 1Introduction to Digital Art3Y1

Supporting Documents

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Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
The Chabot College Photography Advisory Board supported the submission of the Certificate of Achievement Digital Imaging Degree as a Regional CTE Program. I was unable to find an apporpriate place to upload the Advisory Board minutes, however they are available upon request. Thank you.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
DeAnza College, Photography Program. Daniel Smith, no feedback. Laney College, Photography Program. Michael Mejia, supported program changes. Las Positas College, Photography Program. Deanna Horvath, supported program changes. San Francisco City College, Photography Program. Erin Denney, no feedback. Solano Community College, Photography Program. Sarah Barsness, no feedback.

Submission Details

Published at

10/27/21 - 03:31 PM



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