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Submitter's Information


Yolanda Garcia


Curriculum Analyst


Central/Mother Lode


No College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Ganesan Srinivasan

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Program Details

Program Title

Crime Scene Investigation

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Forensics, Evidence, and Investigation (210540)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

The Certificate of Achievement in Crime Scene Investigation prepares students to perform the following tasks: Collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Students will perform tests on weapons or substances, such as fiber, hair, and tissue to determine significance of investigations. Successful completion of this program will assist students in meeting the minimum requirements for this profession.

Enrollment Completer Projections

The current enrollment of Criminology students is approximately 400. Over the next five years, the projected enrollment will increase annually by 5%. In 2020there were approximately (28) AS-T degrees conferred, (4) AS degrees, and (9)certificates of achievement. The completer projections for the next five years are an increase by the AS-T by (3) annually, and an increase by (1) AS degree annually, and an increase in the certificates of achievement by (2) annually. 

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior. It is a blending of many disciplines, including, but not limited to psychology, sociology, anthropology, theology, and of course law. In addition to preparing students for advanced degrees, criminology is the foundational base that assists men and women in entering careers in law enforcement, corrections, probation, parole, or criminal law.

Upon completing this program students will:

         Integrate academic and technical skills related to crime scene processing

         Practice problem solving and critical thinking skills

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

Program Outcomes

Criminology – Crime Scene Investigation, CA

PSLO Performance Level


1.        Model integrated academic and technical skills related to crime scene processing. 70
2.      Analyze and apply problem solving and critical thinking skills to crime scene investigation. 70

Program Narrative

1.         PROGRAMGOALS AND OBJECTIVES (Address the purpose of the program to include work force preparation, transfer preparation, basic skills, civic education, or local purpose as applicable; include program student learning outcome(s) in this section.) Must be completed for all program types.

Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior. It is a blending of many disciplines, including, but not limited to psychology, sociology, anthropology, theology, and of course law. In addition to preparing students for advanced degrees, criminology is the foundational base that assists men and women in entering careers in law enforcement, corrections, probation, parole, or criminal law.

Upon completing this program students will:

         Integrate academic and technical skills related to crime scene processing

         Practice problem solving and critical thinking skills

2.         CATALOG DESCRIPTION (exactly as it will appear in the catalog). Must be completed for all program types.


 The Certificate of Achievement in Crime Scene Investigation prepares students to perform the following tasks: Collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Students will perform tests on weapons or substances, such as fiber, hair, and tissue to determine significance of investigations. Successful completion of this program will assist students in meeting the minimum requirements for this profession.

3.         MASTER PLANNING (Explain how the program fits in the mission, curriculum, and master planning of the college as well as higher education in California.) All non-ADT programs must complete.

Mission Statement: “Empowering our students to succeed in a never-changing world”

We transform students’ lives through high quality college programs and services resulting in degrees, certificates, transfer programs, and career skills.

The new certificate in CSI is a game-changer. The Department of Justice (DOJ) lab located on the Fresno State University campus is the primary forensic lab for all of our local law enforcement. Given that DOJ is over whelmed with work from smaller agencies, it is not practical to use their lab because the turn-around time is often problematic. As a result, many local law enforcement agencies have started creating CSI positions in their organizations. Consequently, the need for more crime scene investigators is only going to increase. Soon we will have our own lab, and this certificate will prove to be invaluable.

Educational Master Plan

Connection and Collaboration

The certificate of achievement will attract students throughout the state to come to MCC. The program partners with local law enforcement agencies in both recruiting and training of CSI technicians.

Strategic Plan

Goal 2: Center Equity in the Work at Madera Community College

Student Success: Academic excellence and success for all students, especially under-represented and historically marginalized groups. *

                Receiving the training and education provided from the CSI certificate is related to student success. Moreover, given that the racial makeup of Criminology students at MCC is 81% Hispanic, most of the students are classified as underrepresented and belong to historically marginalized groups. As mentioned above, there is a substantial increase in students expressing the desire to become crime scene investigators. MCC has an opportunity to provide a beneficial service to its students.

4.         ENROLLMENT AND COMPLETER PROJECTIONS(Project the number of students to earn degree/certificate annually.) All non-ADT programs must complete.

The current enrollment of Criminology students is approximately 400. Over the next five years, the projected enrollment will increase annually by 5%. In 2020there were approximately (28) AS-T degrees conferred, (4) AS degrees, and (9)certificates of achievement. The completer projections for the next five years are an increase by the AS-T by (3) annually, and an increase by (1) AS degree annually, and an increase in the certificates of achievement by (2) annually.

5.         PLACE OF PROGRAM IN CURRICULUM/SIMILARPROGRAMS (Explain how the program fits in college's existing program inventory.) All non-ADT programs must complete.

Given that Criminology Program finished in the top ten for graduating students, it consistently has shown itself to be an extremely popular degree. The program attracts many students each year. The program offers Associate of Science degrees in Law Enforcement and in Corrections and an Associate Degree for Transfer in Administration of Justice. Similarly, a student can earn Certificates of Achievement in Law Enforcement and in Corrections, as well. .

6.         SIMILAR PROGRAMS AT OTHER COLLEGES INSERVICE AREA (Provide justification of the need for the program in the region.)All non-ADT programs must complete.

Madera College is an isolated institution. The closest colleges are Fresno City College or Merced College. Both colleges have Criminology Programs, but they are located far from Madera. Given that several students take public transportation to attend classes, it is not viable for most to travel a long distance.

Program Requirements
(Y1 or S1)
CRIM-3Legal Aspects of Evidence3
CRIM-4Principles & Procedures of the Justice System3
CRIM-8Criminal Investigations3
CRIM-8AAdvanced Criminal Investigations3
CRIM-9AForensic Photography3
CRIM-12 Criminal Justice Communications 3

Central/Mother Lode Regional Questions

Submission Details

Published at

04/22/22 - 09:36 AM



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