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Submitter's Information


Alice Hale


ECD Faculty


Bay Area


Chabot College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Kristin Lima

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Early Childhood Curriculum Specialist/Transitional Kindergarten Certificate

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Child Development/Early Care and Education (130500)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

This certificate provides students who are interested in becoming Transitional Kindergarten teachers with the necessary Early Childhood Education units required by the Department of Education to fulfill the requirements of the position. It provides in-depth knowledge of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks (with which all Transitional Kindergarten curriculum must be aligned), as well as instruction in effective behavior management strategies, strategies for working with children from diverse cultural backgrounds, and knowledge of how to create high-quality learning environments for young children. This program is designed both for credentialed teachers who want to earn the early Childhood Education units necessary to qualify as a transitional Kindergarten teacher and for current preschool teachers who want to deepen their understanding of the Preschool Foundations and Frameworks. Teachers from both groups who enroll in this certificate program will receive robust professional development, particularly focused on curriculum development across the content areas. They will also meet California Community Care Licensing requirements to work as a preschool teacher, and qualify for the Associate Teacher California Child Development Permit. A minimum grade of “C” in each course is required to earn the certificate and/or qualify for the Child Development Permit.

Program Learning Outcomes

1.      Explain the roles of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks in the education of young children and their relationship to the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP), and Content Standards for California Public Schools (kindergarten).

2.      Plan environments, opportunities and family engagement to support children’s learning and development in all content areas.

3.      Apply ethical standards and professional behaviors that demonstrate understanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children birth to age eight as related to high quality care and education of young children.

Enrollment Completer Projections

5-10 students are projected to complete this program annually.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

Transitional Kindergarten is a new public school grade level designed to help transition children who have birthdays just before the kindergarten enrollment cut-off date. All school districts are required to offer this grade level. Transitional Kindergarten teachers must have a teaching credential in addition to 24 units of Early Childhood Education courses to qualify to teach this new grade level. In addition, they must be prepared to align Transitional Kindergarten curriculum with the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks. In this certificate program students will gain the skills, competencies and knowledge necessary to be successful Transitional Kindergarten teachers. The courses that the students will complete will give them a strong foundation in the knowledge of early childhood development and behavior guidance strategies, as well as in-depth familiarity with the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks and the ability to apply that knowledge in creating learning environments and experiences for young children. 

Teachers in preschool settings who earn this certificate will gain valuable and robust professional development that will enhance their employability as well as their ability to move up the wage scale. They will also meet California Community Care Licensing requirements to work as a preschool teacher, and qualify for the Associate Teacher California Child Development Permit. 

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

Required Core Courses

(Y1 or S1)
ECD 30California Preschool Learning Foundations: English Language Development
ECD 31
Performing Arts: Preschool Foundations
ECD 32
Math: Preschool Foundations
ECD 33
Science: Preschool Foundations
ECD 34
Literacy: Preschool Foundations
ECD 35 
Social and Emotional Preschool Foundations
ECD 36 
Visual Arts: Preschool Foundations
ECD 37
Health: Preschool Foundations
ECD 38 
History-Social Science: Preschool Foundations
ECD 39
Physical Development: Preschool Foundations
ECD 41
Strategies for Working with Challenging Behaviors
ECD 56
Child Growth and Development
Program Requirements

Plus 3 courses from the following list:

ECD 59 Literacy in Early Childhood     3 units

ECD 60 Introduction to the Young Child With Exceptional Needs      3 units

ECD 62 Child, Family and Community     3 units

ECD 69 Child Study: Observation and Assessment     3 units

ECD 79 Teaching in a Diverse Society     3 units

Supporting Documents

Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
In addition to providing the opportunity for credentialed teachers to qualify to teach Transitional Kindergarten, teachers already working in preschools will benefit from the professional development opportunities this certificate sequence offers, as it focuses on the Foundations and Frameworks, (including courses on English language development and Social and Emotional Learning) and includes a course on behavior guidance (often requested by both experienced and novice teachers). In addition, depending on the options selected, students can focus on cultural competency, working with students with special needs or a deeper study of literacy development. Teachers with this coursework could become curriculum specialists at their worksite. Finally, the early childhood community is striving to actively improve the measurable quality of its programs; one way it does that is by measuring the education level of directors and administrators. In Quality Counts, the Quality Rating and Improvement System for Alameda County, preschools are rated on seven criteria, one of which is Teacher Qualifications. The rating matrix awards higher point totals to teachers who have at least 24 units of ECE. Teachers who complete this certificate and participate in Quality Counts would be able to help their site improve their rating, and therefore qualify for quality rewards funding.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
Cabrillo College offers a Certificate of Achievement in Curriculum Planning. Paul Harvell dean of Humanities and Social Sciences - HASS Division and ECE Department Chair Jean Gallagher-Heil have been notified; we have not yet had a response. Las Positas College has an Early Childhood Education program, Dean Don Carlson, of Social Sciences, Library, Public Safety and Career Education has been contacted, and no response has been received yet. At Merritt College, Child Development co-chairs Jennifer Briffa and Christine Olsen have been contacted, and no response received yet.

Submission Details

Published at

04/30/19 - 01:01 PM



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