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Submitter's Information


Denah Johnston


Cinema Department Chair


Bay Area


City College of San Francisco

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

KenZoe Brian Selassie-Okpe

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Program Details

Program Title

Cinema Production

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Film Production (061220)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

The Associate in ScienceDegree in Cinema Production is intended for students who are interested in pursuing a career in film production and/or preparing to continue in a production program at a 4-year institution.

In the first semester, students may enroll concurrently in the following courses: CINE 21, 24, 25, 30,60, and 75.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Apply basic principles of film production and industry practice
  • Analyze different film forms and genres
  • Execute technical and aesthetic skills in celluloid and digital film production
  • Demonstrate storytelling skills

Assuming students start this AS with transfer‐level math and English eligibility, the minimum time for completion is 4 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of units completed per semester. 

Enrollment Completer Projections

Considering enrollments in required and elective curriculum we project 15 annual completers.

Course number Course Title Annual Sections Annual Enrollment/ Completions
CINE 21 Introduction to Film Studies 8 255
CINE 24 Basic Film Production 11 200
CINE 25 Narrative Filmmaking 4 71
CINE 54 Cinematography & Lighting 2 41
CINE 30 Production Planning 2 44
CINE 56 Introduction to Digital Film Editing 2 21
CINE 60 Sound for Motion Pictures I 2 51
CINE 75 Screenwriting 2 43
CINE 72 Nonfiction Scriptwriting 2 47
CINE 57 Experimental Filmmaking 1 18
CINE 126 Documentary Filmmaking 2 32
CINE 131 Directing Motion Pictures 1 20
CINE 61 Sound for Motion Pictures II* 0 0
CINE 74 Advanced Cinematography & Lighting 1 20
CINE 76 Advanced Digital Film Editing 2 6
CINE 85 Advanced Screenwriting 2 10
CINE 136 Special Effects* 0 0
CINE 170 Film/Video Work Experience 2 6
CINE 124A Film Production Workshop 1 9

*CINE 61 and 136 have not run in 2018-19, we anticipate rotation of their offerings to resume in the coming year.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • A.S. Degree (S)
Program Goal

The Cinema Production AS provides workforce preparation for students interested in entry-level work in the field or continuing on to a 4-year university.

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

PROGRAM TITLE: Cinema Production AS

ProgramGoals and Objectives

Program Goal: CTE (0612.20 Film Production)

Purpose: The Cinema Production AS provides workforce preparation for students interested in entry-level work in the field or continuing on to a 4-year university.


The Associate in ScienceDegree in Cinema Production is intended for students who are interested in pursuing a career in film production and/or preparing to continue in a production program at a 4-year institution.

 In the first semester, students may enroll concurrently in the following courses: CINE 21, 24, 25, 30,60, and 75.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Apply basic principles of film production and industry practice
  • Analyze different film forms and genres
  • Execute technical and aesthetic skills in celluloid and digital film production
  • Demonstrate storytelling skills

Assuming students start this AS with transfer‐level math and English eligibility, the minimum time for completion is 4 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of units completed per semester. 


Required courses:  
CINE 21 – Introduction to Film Studies3.00Y1, S1 or S2
CINE 24 Basic Film Production3.00Y1, S1
CINE 25 – Narrative Filmmaking3.00Y1, S1
CINE 54 – Cinematography & Lighting3.00Y1, S2
Choose 2 production courses: 
CINE 30 – Production Planning3.00Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
CINE 56 – Introduction to Digital Film Editing4.00Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
CINE 60 – Sound for Motion Pictures I3.00Y1 S1 or S2
CINE 75 – Screenwriting3.00Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
CINE 72 – Nonfiction Scriptwriting3.00Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
Choose 1 core production course:  
CINE 57 – Experimental Filmmaking3.00Y2 S1
CINE 126 – Documentary Filmmaking3.00Y2 S1
CINE 131 – Directing Motion Pictures3.00Y2 S1
Choose 1 advanced production course:  
CINE 61 Sound for Motion Pictures II3.00Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 74 Advanced Cinematography & Lighting3.00Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 76 Advanced Digital Editing4.00Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 85 Advanced Screenwriting3.00Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 136 – Special Effects3.00Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 170 Film/Video Work Experience2.00Y2 S1 or S2
Capstone Course  
CINE 124A Film Production Workshop3.00Y2 S2
Total27.00 – 30.00 


Required Major total:  27-30 units

Completion of CSU GE Breadth or IGETC pattern:39-42 units

Year 1, Fall: 15 units

Year 1, Spring: 15 units

Year 2, Fall: 15 units

Year 2, Spring: 15 units

Total: 66 units

Master Planning

In keeping with the College’s Mission, the Cinema Department offers an Associate of Science Degree with a Major in Cinema Production. Our program provides courses in cinema production and studies that meet major, degree, and general education requirements. The comprehensive career and technical education program prepares students for transfer to four-year film programs or direct entry into the film industry.

CinemaProduction courses provide students with a comprehensive introduction to contemporary film production and postproduction practices that develop the student’s skills, critical thinking, and aesthetic sensibilities related to specific areas (e.g., cinematography, editing, sound, screenwriting, lighting, special effects, etc.). Students are given the opportunity to engage in extensive hands-on experience under the supervision of faculty and staff, using appropriate technologies. Further, the department provides student support services through open labs and an Issue Room staffed by faculty and student aides. Consistent with the mission of the college the coursework provides accessible, affordable, and high quality technical education to all students.

Enrollment and Completer Projections

Considering enrollments in required and elective curriculum we project 15 annual completers.

Course numberCourse TitleAnnual SectionsAnnual Enrollment/Completions
CINE 21Introduction to Film Studies8255
CINE 24Basic Film Production11200
CINE 25Narrative Filmmaking471
CINE 54Cinematography & Lighting241
CINE 30Production Planning  244
CINE 56Introduction to Digital Film Editing221
CINE 60Sound for Motion Pictures I251
CINE 75Screenwriting243
CINE 72Nonfiction Scriptwriting247
CINE 57Experimental Filmmaking118
CINE 126Documentary Filmmaking232
CINE 131Directing Motion Pictures120
CINE 61Sound for Motion Pictures II*00
CINE 74Advanced Cinematography & Lighting120
CINE 76Advanced Digital Film Editing26
CINE 85Advanced Screenwriting210
CINE 136Special Effects*00
CINE 170Film/Video Work Experience26
CINE 124AFilm Production Workshop19

Enrollments noted are 2018-19 

*CINE 61 and 136 have not run this year, we anticipate/are planning rotation of their offerings to resume in the coming year. 

Place of Program in Curriculum/SimilarPrograms

The Cinema AS produces the highest graduation rates in the school of Fine and Applied Communication Arts and collaborates with BEMA and VMD each fall to produce the Festival of the Moving Image highlighting exceptional student work. While BEMA and Cinema use similar programs (Premiere Pro and ProTools) we focus instruction on different applications (ex. narrative or experimental structure vs. news). Cinema has several class listings on the AS-T in Film Television &Electronic Media available through BEMA.

Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area

This degree has been offered at CCSF since 2013 or earlier. The structure submitted here is a significant reorganization. In looking through our department files we were not able to locate earlier BACCC approval or recommendation and have been advised to submit here as a NEW program. Please note that we have been offering this degree in the Bay Area alongside several other community/city colleges noted below. 

In the greater Bay Area Santa Rosa Junior College offers an AS in DigitalFilmmaking and De Anza has an AA in Film/TV Production. Sacramento City College offers an AA in Film through Theater Arts and Film. Considering these programs have co-existed for over a decade there should be no issues co-existing, as each has a different make-up, focus and resulting degrees (AS and AA).  

In San Francisco Academy of Art University has an AA in Motion Pictures & Television that is cost-prohibitive for the majority of our student population that doesn’t want to significantly deplete their financial aid on the front-end of their education. 

Program Requirements
Required courses:    
CINE 21 – Introduction to Film Studies 3.00 Y1, S1 or S2
CINE 24 Basic Film Production 3.00 Y1, S1
CINE 25 – Narrative Filmmaking 3.00 Y1, S1
CINE 54 – Cinematography & Lighting 3.00 Y1, S2
Choose 2 production courses:  
CINE 30 – Production Planning 3.00 Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
CINE 56 – Introduction to Digital Film Editing 4.00 Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
CINE 60 – Sound for Motion Pictures I 3.00 Y1 S1 or S2
CINE 75 – Screenwriting 3.00 Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
CINE 72 – Nonfiction Scriptwriting 3.00 Y1, S2 or Y2 S1
Choose 1 core production course:    
CINE 57 – Experimental Filmmaking 3.00 Y2 S1
CINE 126 – Documentary Filmmaking 3.00 Y2 S1
CINE 131 – Directing Motion Pictures 3.00 Y2 S1
Choose 1 advanced production course:    
CINE 61 Sound for Motion Pictures II 3.00 Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 74 Advanced Cinematography & Lighting 3.00 Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 76 Advanced Digital Editing 4.00 Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 85 Advanced Screenwriting 3.00 Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 136 – Special Effects 3.00 Y2 S1 or S2
CINE 170 Film/Video Work Experience 2.00 Y2 S1 or S2
Capstone Course    
CINE 124A Film Production Workshop 3.00 Y2 S2
Total 27.00 – 30.00  


Required Major total:  27-30 units

Completion of CSU GE Breadth or IGETC pattern: 39-42 units

Year 1, Fall: 15 units

Year 1, Spring: 15 units

Year 2, Fall: 15 units

Year 2, Spring: 15 units

Total: 66 units

Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
CCSF's Cinema Production AS degree has been active since 2013 or earlier. Our students come from all over the greater Bay Area with a diverse array of educational and CTE goals. The AS is popular with students wanting to immerse in film production or those wanting to refresh a set of skills with newer technology. Many students filter into the gig-based work force while enrolled in classes, often bridging professional work experience with CTE coursework enrolling in CINE 170 Film/Video Work Experience.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
In the greater Bay Area Santa Rosa Junior College offers an AS in DigitalFilmmaking and De Anza has an AA in Film/TV Production. Sacramento City College offers an AA in Film through Theater Arts and Film. Considering these programs have co-existed for over a decade there should be no issues co-existing, as each has a different make-up, focus and resulting degrees (AS and AA). I do not have access to previous communication with these programs engaged by former chair Lidia Szajko (who served until Spring 2015). But I have reached out to the following people and have not heard back as of submission of this form. Santa Rosa Junior College Brian Antonson Anne Belden De Anza Susan Tavernetti, Chair Sacramento City College Luther Hanson Shawn Weinsheink

Submission Details

Published at

07/18/19 - 04:33 PM



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