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Submitter's Information


Vicki Shipman


CTE Project Manager


Bay Area


Las Positas College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Vicki Shipman

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Supervisory Management

Submission Type


TOPs Code

Management Development and Supervision (050630)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description
The Supervisory Management certificate is designed to provide the training and skills necessary to effectively manage diverse groups and individuals. The certificate aims to help individuals, managers, and supervisors develop skills to achieve organizational objectives through the development of human resources management skills. Developing abilities in the areas of mobilization, organization, communication, evaluation and adaptation will be a focus.
Enrollment Completer Projections

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal
With the expanding diversity in today's organizations individuals tasked with supervisory responsibilities must be sensitive to work place issues and be skilled in interacting with employees and consumers. This program is designed to provide supervisors, key carriers, production leads, and managers with the training and skills need to effectively manage individuals and diverse work-groups. Techniques and skills needed to effectively manage subordinates, as individuals and in groups, so the group works well and willingly as a team to achieve organizational objectives will be offered in a thorough and practical manner. The Program provides skills and knowledge which are understandable and immediately useful in the workplace. The program is for people seeking careers in supervision and individuals who are aiming for promotion to higher supervisory posts. The elective options allow individuals to determine their program’s emphasis. Individuals pursuing this certificate will develop skills to assess and identify the level of abilities in work groups; improve interpersonal relationships to be more effective and beneficial to the organization; acquire the necessary skills to create work environments that promote engagement and self-fulfilment, both personally and professionally.

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative


Program Requirements
BUSN56 Introduction to Management 3 units BUSN88 Human Resources Management 3 units BUSN48 Human Relations in Organizations 3 units BUSN30 Business Ethics 3 units --------------------------------- BUSN52 Business Communications 3 units or CMST1 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3 units --------------------------------- WRKX94 Occupational Work Experience/ or Internship 3-6 units WRKX95 General Work Experience 3-6 units ------------------------------- One of the following for 3 units: CIS 55 Integrating Office Applications 4 units BUSN40 Introduction to Business 3 units BUSN18 Business Law 4 units BUSN51 General Accounting 3 units BUSN1A Financial Accounting 4 units Certificate Required Units: 28-31

Supporting Documents

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Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
The COCI (Chancellor's office curriculum inventory) does not have this program in inventory therefore will not accept changes to the program without BACCC recommendation; updated PSLO’s; revised and/or added courses.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.


Submission Details

Published at

11/24/17 - 12:27 PM



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Kit O'Doherty Super User   ·  12/04/17

This is a substantial changes request.