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Submitter's Information


Juan Gonzales




Bay Area


City College of San Francisco

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Theresa Rowland

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Program Details

Program Title

Journalism AA Major

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Journalism (060200)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

City College offers a degree in Journalism that gives the research, writing, and production skills that are essential to a career in journalism. Current technology, from online research to electronic pagination, will be taught during the first two semesters. Third and fourth semester students use these skills to write, design, and edit The Guardsman and/or Etc. Magazine. They cover a beat within the larger college community, learning the art and applying the crafts of journalism. 

Enrollment Completer Projections

Assuming students start this AA with transfer‐level math and English eligibility, the minimum time for completion is 4 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of units completed per semester. According to college data, since academic year 2013-2014 the department has award one AA degree per academic year largely because most our students seek to transfer as journalism majors to a four-year university to compete their educational goal. As for certificates and the transfer degree there has been a similar trend. But, that trend will change within the next three years because the unit load for our certificates is changing from 30 plus units to 18 and 19. As a result, we envision at the start a tripling of certificate completer.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • A.A. Degree (A)
Program Goal

The program goal seeks to build a strong foundation that prepares the student for advanced study and possible entry level work in the field of journalism. This is achieved through courses that emphasizes skills in research, writing, and editing news and feature stories for publication in print and in multimedia platforms. Course work in the program also allows the student to collaborate with others to design and publish newspapers and magazines. Lastly, the program provides the student a critical understanding of the mass media that allows the student to explain the role of journalists in modern society and to articulate mass media impact on society.

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

Journalism AA Major

Item 1. Program Goals and Objectives 

The program goal seeks to build a strong foundation that prepares the student for advanced study and possible entry level work in the field of journalism. This is achieved through courses that emphasizes skills in research, writing, and editing news and feature stories for publication in print and in multimedia platforms. Course work in the program also allows the student to collaborate with others to design and publish newspapers and magazines. Lastly, the program provides the student a critical understanding of the mass media that allows the student to explain the role of journalists in modern society and to articulate mass media impact on society.

Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to: 

  • Research, write, and edit news and feature stories for publication in print and in multimedia platforms.
  • Collaborate with others to design and publish newspapers and magazines.
  • Explain the role of journalists in modern society.
  • Articulate the impact of the mass media on society.

Item 2. Catalog Description 

City College offers a degree in Journalism that gives the research, writing, and production skills that are essential to a career in journalism. Current technology, from online research to electronic pagination, will be taught during the first two semesters. Third and fourth semester students use these skills to write, design, and edit The Guardsman and/or Etc. Magazine. They cover a beat within the larger college community, learning the art and applying the crafts of journalism. 

Item 3. Program Requirements 

The program requirements are shown below:

Course                                                               Units

First Semester

JOUR 19           Contemporary News Media                  3.00

JOUR 21           News Reporting & Writing                    3.00

VMD 101          Design Fundamentals or                       3.00

PHOTO 100      Design Fundamentals                           3.00

Second Semester

JOUR 22           Feature Writing                                    3.00

JOUR 35            Internet Journalism                              3.00

JOUR 37           Introduction to Photojournalism           3.00

VMD 120          Graphic Design I                                   3.00

Third Semester

JOUR 23           Copy Editing                                         4.00

JOUR 24           Newspaper Laboratory                         3.00

JOUR 36           Investigative Reporting                         3.00

JOUR 38           Intermediate Photojournalism              3.00

Fourth Semester

JOUR 29A         Intro to Magazine Editing & Prod           3.00

JOUR 25           Editorial Management                          3.00

JOUR 26           Fundamentals of Public Relations          3.00

First Semester = 9.0/Second Semester = 12.0/Third Semester = 13.0/Fourth Semester = 9.0 Total Units = 43.0

Item 4. Master Planning 

The Associate of Arts Degree serves to meet the needs of students seeking a core of foundation courses that will lead to  a Bachelor of Arts degree, as well as possible internships and entry-level jobs in the field. This degree also serves those students who seek to make a career change into the journalistic writing profession and want some form of validation.

Item 5. Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs 

The AA degree is unique in that it specifically serves the needs of the industry. Also, there are no other departments offering similar curriculum.  However, the program compliments others at the college, particularly broadcasting, photography and visual media design. Each department advises its students to enroll in other courses found outside the department that will compliment their overall training. In fact, a number of students from broadcasting, photography and visual media design participate in the publishing of the campus newspaper (The Guardsman) and magazine (Etc.) by contributing content.

Item 7. Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area 

 San Francisco State University offers a BA degree in journalism. Our program compliments theirs and we transfer a number of students there each year. Most community colleges with a 20-mile radius of City College do not offer certificates of achievement. They included two-year colleges such as College of San Mateo, Laney and Chabot. The exception is Skyline College that offers an AA degree, an AA-T and a reporting certificate. Santa Rosa Junior College is the nearest college that offers a Certificate of Achievement titled Digital Journalism. 


Program Requirements
First semester:
JOUR 19 - Contemporary News Media3.00
JOUR 21 - News Reporting and Writing3.00
VMD 101/DSGN 101/PHOT 100 - Design Fundamentals3.00
Second semester:
JOUR 22 - Feature Writing3.00
JOUR 35 - Internet Journalism3.00
JOUR 37 - Introduction to Photojournalism3.00
VMD 120 - Graphic Design I3.00
Third semester:
JOUR 23 - Electronic Copy Editing3.00
JOUR 24 - Newspaper Laboratory4.00
JOUR 38 - Intermediate Photojournalism3.00
JOUR 36 - Investigative Reporting3.00
Fourth semester:
JOUR 29A - Introduction to Magazine Editing and Production3.00
JOUR 25 - Editorial Management3.00
JOUR 26 - Fundamentals of Public Relations3.00
Recommended additional coursework:
Journalism majors are advised to seek out a broad based education that will provide a strong liberal arts background. This is considered to be one of the best assets for a journalism professional. The list below is far from inclusive and is simply offered as a suggestion. Consult with an advisor and become familiar with college wide course offerings.
BCST 135 - Audio for the Web1.00
VMD 122 - Graphic Design II3.00
IDST 37 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.00
VMD 191 - Social Media for Professionals1.00
MRKT 170 - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication3.00
PHOT 57 - Photography for the Web3.00
PHOT 102B - Documentary/News Photography2.00
PHOT 51 - Beginning Photography3.00
PSYC 32 - Social Psychology3.00
ENGL 35L - Introduction to Literary Magazine3.00

Supporting Documents

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Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program

CTE & Transfer

Include any other information you would like to share.
Nothing at this time.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
Today, I have been in touch with Nancy Kaplan-Beigel, journalism chair at Skyline regarding any impact concerns. When I spoke to her on 5/23/19 she was on her way out to New York City on a family matter, but would be back on 5/29 to look at my program and assess if there are any impact concerns. In the meantime, here is her contact information: Nancy Kaplan-Biegel,, (650) 738-4297 or (415) 297-3194.

Submission Details

Published at

05/29/19 - 02:42 PM



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