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Submitter's Information
Kristy Paine
Full time Faculty/ Assistant Chair
Inland Empire/Desert
Moreno Valley College
CTE Dean
CTE Dean's Name
Melody Graveen
CTE Dean's Email
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Program Details
Program Title
Information Assurance Auditing Program
Submission Type
TOPs Code
Computer Information Systems (070200)
Projected Start Date
Catalog Description
The Information Assurance Auditing Program will provide students with proficiency in the areas of computer operating systems, system analysis and design, practical computer security, information systems auditing standards, and entrepreneurship. This certificate program will prepare the student to establish their own Information Assurance Auditing business. Completing the certificate can lead to higher degree aspirations if desired.
Student learning outcomes
1. Conduct consultations to determine the scope of the targeted security audit.
2. Analyze and evaluate current polices and ensure that the customer is in compliance with State and Federal Agencies.
3. Conduct asset inventory, software licensing and risk assessments.
4. Develop a report of findings and present this to the customer.
Enrollment Completer Projections
After curriculum Implementation, the certificate program will enrolling up to 30 students per
academic year. We project that 15 students a year will enroll and complete the AS degree.
Program Proposal Attributes
Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
- Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal
Moreno Valley College intends to launch an Information Auditing Program to create a more highly qualified and diverse technology workforce in information assurance to better serve the needs of business and industry in the region. Moreno Valley intends to partner with small businesses and positively impact the region by improving the quality, quantity and diversity of the the workforce, while making small businesses more secure through regular security assessments.
The program includes student internships and work experience. Students will gain soft and technical skills necessary to become highly-skilled Information Systems Assurance technicians in a business environment, as well as instruction in entrepreneurship for building/developing their own Information Systems Assurance business. The student can receive a certificate in this program and/or earn an AS degree in Information Auditing.
Course Units and Hours
Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)
18 units
Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)
18 units
Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)
60 units
Course Report
Program Requirements Narrative
Program Requirements
CIS 2 Systems Analysis and Design 3 Units
CIS 4 Practical Computer Security 3 Units
CIS 21 Introduction to Operating Systems 3 Units
BUS 30 Entrepreneurship 3 Units
CIS 8 Information Systems Auditing 3 Units
CIS 22 Systems Auditing 3 Units
Supporting Documents
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Inland/Empire Desert Regional Questions
Advisory Minutes
Submission Details
Published at
11/05/17 - 10:58 AM
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Diann Thursby Super User · 12/19/17
Received regional recommendation at 11-13-17 IE/DRC Deans Meeting.