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Submitter's Information


Iolani Sodhy-Gereben


Coordinator, Academic Support Services


Bay Area


Laney College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Peter Crabtree

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

California Green & Sustainable Building Standards

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Civil and Construction Management Technology (095700)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

The Certificate of Achievement in California Green &Sustainable Building fills the gap for students wanting to gain knowledge as it relates to the complex California energy building requirements. Students will learn concepts related to sustainable architecture, California Title 24 Part 6& 11, green rating systems, and LEED exam preparation. Upon completion,students will be career ready for industry entry level, project/construction management positions.

Enrollment Completer Projections


Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

The Certificate of Achievement in California Green &Sustainable Building Standards (CA CONMT) was created to serve our students in providing education in green building practices. There is no current program in the service area that will prepare students to sit for career ready positions within the construction industry.

Students should complete this CA in 2 semesters or 1 year

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative
(Y1 or S1)

Item 1.            Program Goals and Objectives


The Certificate of Achievement in California Green &Sustainable Building Standards (CA CONMT) was created to serve our students in providing education in green building practices. There is no current program in the service area that will prepare students to sit for career ready positions within the construction industry.


Program Outcomes

·        Communicate in written, oral and visual forms to express the principles of sustainable management.

·        Analyze Title 24 Energy Compliance Documentation regarding the impact the building design

·        Analyze architectural, lighting, and HVAC design to determine their effectiveness at meeting or exceeding Title 24 Energy Code Requirements.



Item 2.            Catalog Description


The Certificate of Achievement in California Green &Sustainable Building fills the gap for students wanting to gain knowledge as it relates to the complex California energy building requirements. Students will learn concepts related to sustainable architecture, California Title 24 Part 6& 11, green rating systems, and LEED exam preparation. Upon completion,students will be career ready for industry entry level, project/construction management positions.


Item 3.            Program Requirements


  Requirements Dept. Name/#   Name   Units Laney GE   Sequence  
Core Courses: (15 units) ARCH 111 Sustainable Architectural Design 3   Yr 1, Fall  
CONMT 2 Green Rating Systems for the Built Environment 3   Yr 1, Fall  
CONMT 3 California Title 24 Part 6 Nonresidential Energy Standards 3   Yr 1, Spring  
CONMT 4 California Title 24 Part 6 Residential Energy Standards 3   Yr 1, Fall  
CONMT 8 California Title 24, Part 11 CALGreen 3   Yr 1, Spring  
Select one course from the following (1 unit): CONMT 6 LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation 1   Yr 1, Spring
CONMT 7 LEED AP Exam Preparation 1   Yr 1, Spring
Major Requirements 16      
Total Units 16      



Item 4.            MasterPlanning


The Certificate of Achievement in California Green &Sustainable Building Standards (CA CONMT) was created to serve our students in providing education in green building practices. There is no current program in the service area that will prepare students to sit for career ready positions within the construction industry.



Item 5.            Enrollment and Completer Projections


The enrollment data for the courses included in the California Green & Sustainable Building CA is shown in the table below.  These are the numbers of grades (other than“W”) earned.  Only regular semesters(fall and spring) are taken into account. 


The data shows a robust growth in the number of students at Laney College who are in majors that require rigorous training in lower-division computer science courses. 


Enrollment Data – Number of Letter Grades (other than W)Earned


Course F15 & S16 F16 & S17 F17 & S18
ARCH 111-- Sustainable Architectural Design 15 10 16
CONMT 2-- Green Rating Systems for the Built Environment n/a n/a n/a
CONMT 3-- California Title 24 Part 6 Nonresidential Energy Standards Created fall 2018 for this degree; effective M19
CONMT 4-- California Title 24 Part 6 Residential Energy Standards Created fall 2018 for this degree; effective M19
CONMT 8-- California Title 24, Part 11 CALGreen Created fall 2018 for this degree; effective M19



Item 6.            Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs


a)     There are no active inventory records that need to be changed in connection with the approval of the proposed program.  

b)     This program does not replace any existing program on the college’s inventory. 

c)     There are no related programs offered by the college. The closest school that has CONMT is DVC but it does not cover this subject content.  



Item 7.            Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area


Laney is the only one in the district that will be offering a CA in California Green & Sustainable Building Standards.  Outside of our district, no other college offers a similar degree. 

Program Requirements
  Requirements Dept. Name/#   Name   Units Laney GE   Sequence  
Core Courses: (15 units) ARCH 111 Sustainable Architectural Design 3   Yr 1, Fall  
CONMT 2 Green Rating Systems for the Built Environment 3   Yr 1, Fall  
CONMT 3 California Title 24 Part 6 Nonresidential Energy Standards 3   Yr 1, Spring  
CONMT 4 California Title 24 Part 6 Residential Energy Standards 3   Yr 1, Fall  
CONMT 8 California Title 24, Part 11 CALGreen 3   Yr 1, Spring  
Select one course from the following (1 unit): CONMT 6 LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation 1   Yr 1, Spring
CONMT 7 LEED AP Exam Preparation 1   Yr 1, Spring
Major Requirements 16      
Total Units 16      

Supporting Documents

Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
Students in our CONMT department have been asking for this program for many years in order to be prepared to deal with California green codes and standards. Though DVC has a CONMT program (Energy Systems AS cohort), of the 27-units required for the degree they provide one (1) elective option for one (1) of the courses in our proposed CA program which is: CONST 183 Title 24: Energy Conservation Codes vs this certificate which deals with multiple aspects of California Codes and Energy Conservation.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
Though DVC offers some codes courses, there is currently no similar program at any of the colleges in our service area. Sent email to CONMT lead at DVC: Joe Valdez and a faculty member in Energy Systems: John Henry. As of May 1st, 2019, our faculty has not received a response. See below copy of email. Hello Joe, I trust my email finds you well:-) I am an Instructor and Chair of the Construction Management (CM) department at Laney College. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself and to discuss our CM programs. It would be great to schedule some time to speak with you. My schedule is pretty flexible in the mornings, please let me know what works for you. I initially reached out to Mr. Henry to speak to him about the Energy Systems Associate of Science (AS) program, but I understand he is on leave until August. His voicemail instructions led me to you. I tried to call you several times but could not leave a voicemail. Our department has just developed a new California Green & Sustainable Building Standards Certificate of Achievement (CA) program. It is a 16-unit cohort. This program fills the gap for students wanting to gain knowledge as it relates to the complex California energy building requirements. Students will learn concepts related to sustainable architecture, California Title 24 Part 6 & 11 code requirements, green rating systems including LEED core concepts. The program has a one (1) unit elective requirement of which, students can elect to take either a LEED Associate or the LEED AP exam preparation course. All of the courses in the cohort have been approved at all levels of curriculum review. The CA however, is still pending final review. We received a comment from a Reviewer (Kelly Green) at BACCC that we needed to share our new program information with DVC and review if there are any "potential negative impacts" our program my have on your Energy Systems AS program. We reviewed the cohort for Energy Systems AS program during our development of our new program. It seems your cohort and is focused on electrical and energy systems with one (1) elective option titled: CONST 183 - Title 24 Energy Conversation Codes. It seems in comparison to our program Energy Systems AS is very technical based, rooted in electrical engineering design, installation and maintenance. Our California Green & Sustainable Building Standards Certificate curriculum is focused on students learning the State's energy code requirements for both residential and nonresidential buildings. Below is an overview of the cohort design: California Green & Sustainable Building Standards: Certificate of Achievement Core Courses (15 units): Credit Hours: ARCH 111 Sustainable Architectural Design 3 CONMT 002 Green Rating Systems for the Built Environment 3 CONMT 003 California Title 24, Part 6 Nonresidential Energy Standards 3 CONMT 004 California Title 24, Part 6 Residential Energy Standards 3 CONMT 008 California Title 24, Part 11 CALGreen 3 Elective Courses (1 unit): CONMT 006 LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation 1 CONMT 007 LEED AP Exam Preparation 1 We don't believe our program will have any negative impact on your Energy Systems AS program. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Thank you Joe! Best regards, Melissa McElvane Chair, Construction Management Department Construction Management Instructor Laney College Direct: 510-531-3680

Submission Details

Published at

05/01/19 - 12:39 PM



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