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Submitter's Information


Yolanda Garcia


Curriculum Analyst


Central/Mother Lode


No College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Whitney Menefee

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Pest Control Advisor

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Agricultural Pest Control Advisor and Operator (Licensed) (010310)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

The Pest Control Advisor (PCA) Certificate prepares students for a career as a PCA. Coursework is aligned with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) PCA license requirements. Completion of the certificate indicatesthe completion of course work required by the CDPR and students should beprepared to take the CDPR examination and have the competency for employment inthe field. Students must also obtain an average overall grade pointof 2.0 and complete 24 months of combined work experience that must be verifiedby a letter from current/past employers to qualify for the PCA examination.

Enrollment Completer Projections

 This program is projected to have approximately 20 students enrolled and 10 students competed each academic year.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

The goal of this program is to create a pathway forstudents who are interested in entering the agriculture industry as a PestControl Advisor (PCA). Once method to qualify for the PCA licensing examinationis to take 42 semester units of California Departmentof Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) approved courses within Physical and BiologicalSciences, Crop Health, Pest Management Systems and Methods, Production Systems,and Electives, PLUS 24 months of combined work experience that must be verifiedby a letter from current/passed employers. Many of our current Plant Sciencestudents are already working with a licensed PCA or within a related industry,therefore this program would create a streamlined roadmap for these studentsonly interested in taking courses for the PCA exam or create a stackablecertificate for students wishing to get an AS or AS-T in Plant Science.

The objective of this program is to is to have all facetsof the student success equation (counselor, students, and faculty) to knowexactly what courses are needed for students to qualify to take the PCA examand ensure the student is competent for employment in the field.The Plant Science program offers a variety of related courses, but studentsmust take a SPECIFIC set of courses to qualify for the PCA exam. These courses cannotbe substituted for similar courses and if a student is missing any courses forthe examination requirement, they will not be allowed to take the exam.Students must also obtain an average overall grade point of 2.0 to qualify totake the exam.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this program students will:

·       Comprehension of the resources available tounderstand and stay updated with California laws and regulations pertaining topesticide use, crop management, irrigation efficiency, and continuingeducation. 

·       Developed awareness of theoretical andpractical applications to orchard, vineyard, and vegetable production systemswith emphasis on San Joaquin Valley specifics for irrigation, fertility,cultural, and pest management.

·       Understanding of the principles of integratedpest management, including population dynamics and selection, and the use ofbiological, chemical, regulatory, genetic, cultural, and physical/mechanicalcontrol options in a system approach that optimizes economics and minimizesenvironmental side effects.

·       Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in theagriculture industry which provides a base for effective decision making and credibilityin personal interactions as it related to the Pest Control Advisor industry

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

1.         PROGRAMGOALS AND OBJECTIVES (Address the purpose of the program to include workforcepreparation, transfer preparation, basic skills, civic education, or localpurpose as applicable; include program student learning outcome(s) in thissection.) Must be completed for all program types.


The goal of this program is to create a pathway forstudents who are interested in entering the agriculture industry as a PestControl Advisor (PCA). Once method to qualify for the PCA licensing examinationis to take 42 semester units of California Departmentof Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) approved courses within Physical and BiologicalSciences, Crop Health, Pest Management Systems and Methods, Production Systems,and Electives, PLUS 24 months of combined work experience that must be verifiedby a letter from current/passed employers. Many of our current Plant Sciencestudents are already working with a licensed PCA or within a related industry,therefore this program would create a streamlined roadmap for these studentsonly interested in taking courses for the PCA exam or create a stackablecertificate for students wishing to get an AS or AS-T in Plant Science.

The objective of this program is to is to have all facetsof the student success equation (counselor, students, and faculty) to knowexactly what courses are needed for students to qualify to take the PCA examand ensure the student is competent for employment in the field.The Plant Science program offers a variety of related courses, but studentsmust take a SPECIFIC set of courses to qualify for the PCA exam. These courses cannotbe substituted for similar courses and if a student is missing any courses forthe examination requirement, they will not be allowed to take the exam.Students must also obtain an average overall grade point of 2.0 to qualify totake the exam.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this program students will:

·       Comprehension of the resources available tounderstand and stay updated with California laws and regulations pertaining topesticide use, crop management, irrigation efficiency, and continuingeducation. 

·       Developed awareness of theoretical andpractical applications to orchard, vineyard, and vegetable production systemswith emphasis on San Joaquin Valley specifics for irrigation, fertility,cultural, and pest management.

·       Understanding of the principles of integratedpest management, including population dynamics and selection, and the use ofbiological, chemical, regulatory, genetic, cultural, and physical/mechanicalcontrol options in a system approach that optimizes economics and minimizesenvironmental side effects.

·       Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in theagriculture industry which provides a base for effective decision making and credibilityin personal interactions as it related to the Pest Control Advisor industry


2.         CATALOG DESCRIPTION (exactly as it willappear in the catalog). Must be completed for all program types.


The Pest Control Advisor (PCA) Certificate prepares studentsfor a career as a PCA. Coursework is aligned with the California Department ofPesticide Regulation (CDPR) PCA license requirements. Completion of the certificate indicatesthe completion of course work required by the CDPR and students should beprepared to take the CDPR examination and have the competency for employment inthe field. Students must also obtain an average overall grade pointof 2.0 and complete 24 months of combined work experience that must be verifiedby a letter from current/past employers to qualify for the PCA examination.



3.         MASTERPLANNING (Explain how the program fits in the mission, curriculum, and masterplanning of the college as well as higher education in California.) All non-ADTprograms must complete.


This program will qualify students to enter one of ourregions surrounding agriculture industries' most desirable and sought-aftercareers, Agricultural Pest Control Advising. This program fits into the missionof Madera Community College by providing residents with a pathway into the mosteconomically important industry in our region, agriculture. The county'sthriving agriculture industry creates many jobs and provides careers for thosewishing to advance in this field. This will also provide an opportunity for low-incomestudents from Latino households to enter the agriculture industry with a careeropposed to general labor that has very little room for career advancement.


This program fits into the curriculum very well consideringno new classes need to be added into the already existing pool of plant sciencecourses. All plant science related courses (Crop Health, Pest ManagementSystems and Methods, Production Systems, and Electives) are already offered atMadera Community College and will continue to be offered on at least a yearlybasis. Most Physical and Biological Science courses are offered at Madera CommunityCollege or are offered at one of our other district colleges. What does notexist at this point is a program map to help counselors build a SEP forstudents interested in this career. This program is also easily stackable forstudents pursuing an AgriculturalPlant Science AS-T or Plant and Soils Science AS degree.

This program fits into the MCC Educational Master plan in avariety of ways. The Program Review for the PCA CA could be done jointly withthe Agricultural PlantScience AS-T and Plant and Soils Science AS programs considering how closelythese three programs relate. Resources for this program already exist with theCenter for Agriculture and Technology’s Ag shop, two lecture rooms, and theplant and soils lab. All of these facilities are equipped with equipment andteaching tools and supplies for all of the courses in this certificate. As withall other courses under the Agriculture umbrella, we will ensure students areaware and actively participating in support services and programs like thelibrary, STEM Center, Reading and Writing Center, Counselling, and more.


4.         ENROLLMENT AND COMPLETER PROJECTIONS(Project the number of students to earn degree/certificate annually.) Allnon-ADT programs must complete.

 This program is projected to haveapproximately 20 students enrolled and 10 students competed each academic year.

5.         PLACEOF PROGRAM IN CURRICULUM/SIMILAR PROGRAMS (Explain how the program fits incollege's existing program inventory.) All non-ADT programs must complete.

This program fits into the curriculum very well consideringno new classes need to be added into the already existing pool of plant sciencecourses. All plant science related courses (Crop Health, Pest ManagementSystems and Methods, Production Systems, and Electives) are already offered atMadera Community College and will continue to be offered on at least a yearlybasis. Most Physical and Biological Science courses are offered at MaderaCommunity College or are offered at one of our other district colleges. Whatdoes not exist at this point is a program map to help counselors build a SEPfor students interested in this career. This program is also easily stackablefor students pursuing an Agricultural Plant Science AS-T or Plant and Soils ScienceAS degree.


6.         SIMILARPROGRAMS AT OTHER COLLEGES IN SERVICE AREA (Provide justification of the needfor the program in the region.) All non-ADT programs must complete.

Reedley College currentlyhas a PCA CA. There is a strong need for a PCA CA here in Madera, consideringthe extensive agriculture industry and the distance it takes for residents ofMadera County to travel to Reedley. Although Reedley and Madera have similarcropping systems, each county requires professionals that meet the needs of aspecific county’s laws, regulations, and cropping systems. 

Program Requirements
(Y1 or S1)
PLS-14Plant Nutrition3
PLS-5Principles of Irrigation Management3
PLS-2LSoils lab1


















Integrated Pest Management

Introduction to Plant Science 

Introduction to Plant Science Lab

General Viticulture

Tree and Vine Management

Introduction to Animal Science

Plant Propagation/Production

General Chemistry

Introductory General Chemistry

Elementary Organic Chemistry


Biology for Science Majors I

Biology for Science Majors II

Principles of Biology

Environmental Science

Introduction to Life Science

Introduction to Life Science Lab


















Supporting Documents

Central/Mother Lode Regional Questions

Submission Details

Published at

05/15/23 - 10:13 AM



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