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Submitter's Information


Ghada Al-Masri, Ph.D.


Dean of Social Sciences


Bay Area


Ohlone College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Sara Goldware

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Fire Fighter-1 Certificate of Achievement

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Fire Academy (213350)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

Fire Fighter-1 Certificate of Achievement


Item 1: Program Goals and Objectives

The Certificate of Achievement in Fire Fighting will expand students understanding of fire suppression and various activities involved in controlling and extinguishing fires. The program will transfer to students seeking a Fire Science degree. 

Learning Outcomes of the Fire Fighter-1 Certificate: 

  1. Understand and correctly apply appropriate communication protocols used in the fire service.  
  2. Don and doff personal protective equipment properly and use self-contained breathing apparatus.
  3. Demonstrate a force entry into a structure, exit a hazardous area safely as a team and connect to a water supply to extinguish fire.

Item 2: Catalog Description 

This program will train students to become a fire fighter. Students will be challenged both physically and mentally during this course. It will expand their understanding of fire suppression and various activities involved in controlling and extinguish fires. At the completion students will be equipped to continue a centuries old tradition of preserving lives and property threatened by fires. This program will transfer to students seeking a Fire Science degree

Item 3: Program Requirements 

  • Maintain a 2.0 grade point average in Major Field courses.
Major field courses Unit value Sequence
FT 225A18   Fire Fighter Academy 18 Yr 1, Fall
FT 226A1     Fire Fighter Academy Skills 1 Yr 1, Spring

Required Core Total: 19 units

  • Total units: 19units

 Proposed Sequence: 

  • Year 1, Fall – 18units
  • Year 1,Spring – 1unit
Enrollment Completer Projections

Item 5: Enrollment and Completer Projections

 As this is a new certificate, no historical data is available to assist in projection estimates.  However, through the Consortium partnership, they are roughly expecting 20-30 completers per year.  Given the increased Fire hazards in the state of California and the increased effort to train and recruit firefighters, more programs will be offered in this field to provide ongoing training for practitioners in the field.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

Item 2: Catalog Description 

This program will train students to become a fire fighter. Students will be challenged both physically and mentally during this course. It will expand their understanding of fire suppression and various activities involved in controlling and extinguish fires. At the completion students will be equipped to continue a centuries old tradition of preserving lives and property threatened by fires. This program will transfer to students seeking a Fire Science degree

Item 1: Program Goals and Objectives

The Certificate of Achievement in Fire Fighting will expand students understanding of fire suppression and various activities involved in controlling and extinguishing fires. The program will transfer to students seeking a Fire Science degree. 

Learning Outcomes of the Fire Fighter-1 Certificate: 

  1. Understand and correctly apply appropriate communication protocols used in the fire service.  
  2. Don and doff personal protective equipment properly and use self-contained breathing apparatus.
  3. Demonstrate a force entry into a structure, exit a hazardous area safely as a team and connect to a water supply to extinguish fire.

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

Narrative for Fire Fighter-1 Certificate of Achievement


Item 1: Program Goals and Objectives

The Certificate of Achievement in Fire Fighting will expand students understandingof fire suppression and various activities involved in controlling andextinguishing fires. The program will transfer to students seeking a FireScience degree.

Learning Outcomes of the Fire Fighter-1 Certificate: 

  1. Understand and correctly apply appropriate communication protocols used in the fire service.  
  2. Don and doff personal protective equipment properly and use self-contained breathing apparatus.
  3. Demonstrate a force entry into a structure, exit a hazardous area safely as a team and connect to a water supply to extinguish fire.

Item 2: Catalog Description 

This program will train students to become a fire fighter. Students will be challenged both physically and mentally during this course. It will expand their understanding of fire suppression and various activities involved in controlling and extinguish fires. At the completion students will be equipped to continue a centuries old tradition of preserving lives and property threatened by fires. This program will transfer to students seeking a Fire Science degree

Program Requirements

Item 3: Program Requirements 

  • Maintain a 2.0 grade point average in Major Field courses.
(Y1 or S1)
FT 225A18  
Fire Fighter Academy
18Y1, Fall
FT 226A1    
Fire Fighter Academy Skills
1Y1, Spring

Required Core Total: 19 units

  • Total units: 19units

 Proposed Sequence: 

  • Year 1, Fall – 18units
  • Year 1,Spring – 1unit

Supporting Documents

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Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program

CTE & Transfer

Include any other information you would like to share.
Ohlone College would be the single college in the South Bay area to provide the Fire Academy Certificate.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
There two (2) community colleges in the Bay Region issuing 77 awards on average annually (last 3 years) on TOP 2133.50 - Fire Academy. There is one college (Los Medanos College) in the East Bay Sub-Region issuing one award on average annually (last 3 years) on this TOP code. No specific individual was contacted as these programs serve different regions of the Bay Area and Ohlone's program would be reaching students from the South Bay region.

Submission Details

Published at

12/19/19 - 02:01 PM



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