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Submitter's Information


Patrick Hudak


Faculty, Computer Applications


Bay Area


Mission College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Jeff Pallin

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Fitness and Health Certificate (CTE)

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Fitness Trainer (083520)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

The Fitness and Health Certificate at Mission College is aimed at helping students who are seeking careers or additional training in the fitness and health industry. It is designed to provide an in-depth study and practical application of the current standards and foundational skills of assessment, fitness testing, program design, implementation and evaluation of fitness and exercise programs as well as nutrition, mental health management and behavior modification techniques. Therefore, in addition to learning theoretical foundational principles of fitness and health, students will also engage in hands-on learning and teaching techniques, which will aid them in being prepared to work in the field. This program also helps to prepare students to sit for nationally recognized fitness and health certification exams from organizations such as: American Council on Exercise (ACE),National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), and National Strength and ConditioningAssociation (NSCA).

Program Level Outcomes:
1. Exhibit an understanding of the impact of training on the major systems of the human body and apply industry best practices to develop 
safe and effective training programs.

2. Demonstrate the ability to conduct safe, motivational and effective individual and group exercise training programs.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of learned content by successfully passing exams from certifying agencies.

Career/Transfer Opportunities include:
Students will enroll in UC and CSU transferable courses and have the skills and knowledge to pursue a career in the following: personal training, group fitness instructing, health or wellness coaching, weight management consulting, and fitness entrepreneurship. 

Enrollment Completer Projections

Projected Certificate completers:

Year 1 10-15
Year 2: 15-20
Year 3: 20-25 

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 16 or greater semester (or 24 or greater quarter) units (C)
Program Goal

Students completing the Fitness and Health Certificate will be prepared to:
1. Identify the impact of training on the major systems of the human body and apply industry best practices to develop safe and effective 
training programs.

2. Demonstrate the ability to conduct safe, motivational and effective individual and group exercise training programs.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of learned content by successfully passing exams from certifying agencies. 

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)

17.5 Units (Minimum and Maximum)

Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

The Kinesiology Department at Mission College was excited to receive approval to expand  its offerings in the fall of 2020 by offering this new certificate. Through the study of Fitness and Health, the student develops both the ability to enhance theoretical knowledge and practical skills for developing safe, motivational and effective training programs according to the needs of clients. We see this certificate as an excellent opportunity for students to become employable prior to earning a four-year degree. We believe this certificate is an opportunity for students to relate Kinesiology and other fields of study to meet their goals including a two and/or four-year degree and provide a pathway to enhance their current career, begin a new one or pursue whatever goals they have for their future. 

This certificate expands upon the AA-T in Kinesiology to provide students and opportunity to gain the ability to begin working in the field prior to earning a four-year degree and/or the ability to be better equipped to work or start a business in the fitness and health industry after completion of the coursework. 

Program Requirements

The Fitness and Health Certificate has these requirements:

Required courses: 12.5 units

KIN068 - Sport Psychology OR  KIN079 - Lifetime Fitness 

AND  HOC004 - First Aid and CPR 

AND KIN066 - Exercise Assessment and Program Design

AND KIN067 - Techniques of Fitness Instruction

AND NTR015 - Human Nutrition

Select one (1) of the following elective courses: 3 units

BUS023 - Social Media Marketing OR

BUS051 - Introduction to American Business OR 

KIN069 - Stress Management Through Fitness and Lifestyle OR 

KIN081 - Sport in Society. 

Complete two (2) Kinesiology activity courses: 2 Units   

Total =17.5 Units

The following is a sample three-semester pathway to completing the certificate.

(Y1 or S1)
Sport Psychology 
Human Nutrition 
Kinesiology activity course pilates  OR Cardio Cross Training OR any KIN Activity Course1.0Year1/Semester1
Exercise Assessment and Program Design
3.0Year1/Semester 2

Stress Management Through Fitness and Lifestyle 
3.0Year1/Semester 2
Kinesiology activity course 
Yoga OR any KIN Activity Course
1.0Year 1/Semester2
First Aid and CPR
Techniques of Fitness Instruction
3.0Year2/Semester 1

Supporting Documents

Upload Labor Market Information (LMI)

Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
There are currently no similar programs to this Fitness and Health Certificate at Mission College. This certificate is most often awarded to students who want to become a fitness and health entrepreneur, instructor and/or want to enter the workforce while completing a Kinesiology or related degree while working towards transferring to a four-year university. We believe this certificate will offer a valuable opportunity to students who enroll in more of our discipline’s courses, and an incentivize students to pursue this as an educational goal at a four-year institution, expand upon their current career or begin a new one. This certificate does not compete with other degrees or programs at our college and rather works collaboratively with other departments to offer even more depth of options to the students enrolled. The courses required for this certificate are new and will be added to the current offerings in our department. Some of the courses required in this certificate are also required for general education for an AA/AS degree as well as for transfer to a CSU and UC.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
Other colleges in the area offer certificates that are less comprehensive than this Fitness and Health Certificate. For example, West Valley College offers a Personal Training or Pilates Instructor certificate, but the breadth of their program is quite limited compared to this Fitness and Health certificate. Ohlone College also offers a Fitness certificate however, just as with West Valley's, this is more limited in scope. Our certificate offers the students a greater opportunity to go beyond just the fitness component of health and rather tap into other important dimensions of health as well as connect with multiple departments on campus including Business and Nutrition.

Submission Details

Published at

06/11/21 - 07:42 AM



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Patrick Hudak   ·  07/15/21

Brenna Wundram, dept. chair for Kinesiology, contacted a number of local colleges that have similar certificates. Following is the email thread between me and Brenna on the results of her contacts. It appears only one got back to her--Heidi Webber from west Valley college. Heidi was on board with the cert. From: Brenna Wundram Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 12:51 PM To: Pat Hudak , Kaitlin Ferguson Subject: Re: [team] New Program Submission from Mission College Yes, indeed! Heidi is very supportive and wants to work together to inform students. We have a follow-up Zoom meeting with her July 12, but she is definitely on board. I have not heard any feedback from the others. Brenna Wundram Mission College Kinesiology Department (408)855-5394 From: Brenna Wundram Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 1:04 PM To: Pat Hudak ; Kaitlin Ferguson Subject: Re: [team] New Program Submission from Mission College Hi Pat, Here are the people I have contacted in our area with similar programs. Adreas Wolf at San Mateo CC, June 23. Fred Alim and Jeff Roberts at Ohlone CC, June 23. Heidi Weber at West Valley CC, June 17, and conversations prior in May. Foothill, DeAnza, SJCC, Evergreen do not have similar certificate programs to the one we are proposing. Thank you!