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Submitter's Information


Kay Dee Yarbrough


Administrative Curriculum Coordinator


Inland Empire/Desert


San Bernardino Valley College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Albert Maniaol

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Architecture and Environmental Design

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

Architecture and Architectural Technology (020100)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

To graduate with a specialization in Architecture and EnvironmentalDesign, a student must complete the following courses in addition to thegeneral breadth requirements for an associate degree. For transfer students,these courses will provide students with the tools needed to construct aportfolio that will be required to transfer into Architecture Programs at4-year institutions. Along with a successful portfolio, these courses shouldalso constitute the first two years of an Architecture Program. In addition,these courses should help students interested in transferring to 4-year institutionsin Environmental Design fields, and as Landscape Architecture, Interior Designand Urban Planning majors.

Enrollment Completer Projections
Course Course Title Annual # of Section Annual Enrollment Total Annual # Sections Annual Enrollment Total
ARCH 110 Introduction to Architecture New Course
ARCH 111 Sketching and Design Visualization New Course
ARCH 112 Environmental Design (Formerly ARCH 100) 2 36 2 31
ARCH 113 Environmental Design Communication (Formerly ARCH 101) 2 24 2 16
ARCH 130 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Drafting New Course
ARCH 131 Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) New Course
ARCH 133 Introduction to 3D Modeling and Design New Course
ARCH 145 History of Architecture: Early Design through Gothic 3 52 3 59
ARCH 145H History of Architecture: Early Design through Gothic - Honors 0 0 0 0
ARCH 146 History of Architecture: Renaissance through Modern 2 34 3 72
ARCH 146H Architecture History: Renaissance to Modern - Honors 0 0 0 0
ARCH 212 Architectural Design and Theory II (Formerly ARCH 200) 1 10 0 0
ARCH 213 Architectural Design II (Formerly ARCH 201) 1 13 1 6
ARCH 231 Advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) New Course
ARCH 233 Advanced 3D Modeling and Design New Course
ENGL 102 Intermediate Composition and Critical Thinking 40 815 44 883
ENGL 102H Intermediate Composition and Critical Thinking - Honors 2 25 2 29
MATH 103 Plane Trigonometry 14 336 10 278
PHYSIC 151 General Physics for the Life Sciences I (Formerly PHYSIC 150A) 8 31 6 37

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • A.S. Degree (S)
Program Goal

The new curriculum's mission& philosophy reflect modern and current standards and is relevant to currentpractice architecture and related fields. The new curriculum is leveled fromsimple to complex which are reflected in each course SLO's. The structure ofthe new curriculum will augment knowledge necessary for the student to transfer.The unifying theme of the new curriculum includes knowledge, skills, andabilities and the design and problem solve to integrate concepts andcompetencies required to function as a successful transfer student.  


The mission of the Associate Degree Architectureand Environmental Design is consistent with the mission statement of SanBernardino Valley College to maintain a culture of continuous improvement and acommitment to provide high-quality education, innovative instruction, andservices to a diverse community of learners. The mission of Associate Degree Architecture and Environmental Design isto provide comprehensive, quality transfer student education by engagingdiverse learners in future academic progress and future professional practicefor the purpose of meeting the needs of the community.


The Associate Degree Architecture andEnvironmental Design at San Bernardino Valley College resolves to advance theprofession of Architecture and Environmental Design by empowering our graduatesto value scholarly lifelong learning to produce the outcome of safe, informed,responsible, and active partners in their communities.


The SanBernardino Community College Architecture and Environmental Design Departmentembraces the values of SBCCD and the AIA, NCARB. This program at SBVC values:

EXCELLENCE:  We are committed to excellence, innovation,and creativity to maintain the highest standard of education we providedto our diverse students and the community we served.

CARING:  We are committed to supporting an environmentof caring and compassion based on dignity and collaboration of faculty,students, and the community served.

DIVERSITY:  We embrace a learning community that fostersvalues, inclusiveness, beliefs, learning styles, openness, and respect fordiffering viewpoints.

INTEGRITY:  We promote, expect, and practice integrity,ethical behavior, and honesty in all interactions.


Goal 1: To serve a diverse studentpopulation by:

·        Providing an environment that is learnercentered.

·        Providing access for student success.

Goal 2: To enhance needs of thecommunity by:

·        Preparing a competent student seeking academicadvancement and workforce.

Goal 3: To serve as a bridge foraccess to higher education by:

·        Providing a seamless transition to private andstate universities.

Goal 4: To empower program faculty by:

·        Staying current with professional trends.

·        Encouraging certifications and advanceddegrees.


The philosophy of San BernardinoValley College Associate Degree Architecture and Environmental Design Programis in alignment with the mission and vision statements of San Bernardino ValleyCollege (SBVC) and San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) tomaintain a culture of continuous improvement and a commitment to providehigh-quality education, innovative instruction, and services to a diversecommunity of learners.

The San Bernardino Valley CollegeAssociate Degree Architecture and Environmental Design curriculum frameworkfocuses on the person, design problem solving, environment, and professionalism.

AIA and transfer

These concepts are patient-centeredcare, teamwork and collaboration, quality improvement, evidence-based practice,safety, and informatics.  

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

San Bernardino Valley College Architectureand Environmental Design program is submitting a major curriculum revision. Thenew curriculum will incorporate the consideration of transferring to Cal PolyPomona Architectural program as the unifying theme to guide the curriculumchange. Preparing students for the Architecture as well as related programssuch as Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Construction management isintegrated throughout the new curriculum.

The Program Learning Outcomes(PLO's) are reflective of the standards needed to transfer to a NAB accreditedschool such as Cal Poly Pomona.   The SBVC Architectural Program, utilizecritical thinking principles to provide optimal outcomes and continuous qualityimprovement, serve and provide ethical leadership for the design needs of ourdiverse community and environment, and trends in technology to enhance designand communication and the delivery design concepts. Additional PLO's includethe graduate to be prepared to function as an entry-level employee in aprofessional office, and be prepared to continue their education andparticipate in professional development and continue to pursue lifelonglearning.

The new curriculum is driven bythe PLO's and are reflected in the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's) and End ofProgram Learning Outcomes. The PLO's encompass the core values (curriculumthreads), the Mission Statement, and Philosophy that the faculty determinedwere the core of the program. The SLO's lead to the curriculum content, assistin assessing new professional standards, facilitate faculty in identification ofcontent to be removed or changed, and also guide the instruction methodologyand evaluation process. The curriculum is leveled and will follow in the simpleto complex format.


Upon completionof the Associate Degree Architecture and Environmental Design Program at SanBernardino Valley College the graduate will:

1.      Express a general breadth of architectural and environmental knowledgeusing both verbal, written and a variety of graphic techniques. 

2.      Apply design principles to the analysis or development of two andthree-dimensional design

3.      Present two and three-dimensional design project solutions explainingtheir problem-solving procedure utilizing a variety of verbal and graphictechniques

4.      Relate the impact of various influences to the development ofarchitectural characteristics and styles

5.      Possess an awareness of relationships among allied fields

Program Requirements
ARCH 110 Introduction to Architecture 2 Y1
ARCH 111 Sketching and Design Visualization 2 Y1
ARCH 112 Environmental Design 4 Y1
ARCH 113 Environmental Design Communication 4 Y1
ARCH 130 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Drafting 2 Y1
ARCH 131 Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) 2 Y1
ARCH 133 Introduction to 3D Modeling and Design 2 Y1
ARCH 145 History of Architecture: Early Design through Gothic 3 Y1
ARCH 145H History of Architecture: Early Design through Gothic - Honors
ARCH 146 History of Architecture: Renaissance through Modern 3 Y1
ARCH 146H Architecture History: Renaissance to Modern - Honors 3
ARCH 212 Architectural Design and Theory II 4 Y2
ARCH 213 Architectural Design II 4 Y2
ARCH 231 Advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) 2 Y2
ARCH 233 Advanced 3D Modeling and Design 2 Y2
ENGL 102 Intermediate Composition and Critical Thinking 4 Y2
ENGL 102H Intermediate Composition and Critical Thinking - Honors 4
MATH 103 Plane Trigonometry 4 Y3
PHYSIC 151 General Physics for the Life Sciences I 4 Y3
ARCH 015 Survey of Design and Drafting Software Applications 2
ARCH 070 Portfolio Design 1
COMMST 100 Elements of Public Speaking 3
COMMST 100H Elements of Public Speaking - Honors 3
COMMST 125 Critical Thinking Through Argumentation and Debate 3
MATH 108 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 4
MATH 151 Precalculus 4

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Published at

10/03/19 - 11:37 AM



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Diann Thursby Super User   ·  12/19/19

Received regional recommendation at 12-18-19 IEDRC Deans Meeting.