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Submitter's Information


Stacy Meyer


Faculty Chair


Inland Empire/Desert


San Bernardino Valley College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Albert Maniaol

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Nutrition and Dietetics

Submission Type


TOPs Code

Dietetic Services and Management (130620)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description
Nutrition and dietetics is an interdisciplinary science that studies factors that affect our food choices, the chemical and physiological processes involved in processing and delivering the chemical components of those foods to the body. Students will focus their studies in nutritional science including chemistry and physiology as well as institutional nutrition, community nutrition, food production, management of foodservice operations. The courses within this program are designed to provide students with applicable skills useful in a vast range of occupations. Students completing this program are prepared to join the dietetic team in various nutritional aspects of health care. Graduates from this program are employed by acute care, long-term care, and rehabilitation hospitals, as well as by community agencies that provide education in nutrition.
Enrollment Completer Projections
We are projecting that 5 students will complete this certificate program the first year and enrollment will increase as the program grows.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • A.S. Degree (S)
Program Goal
The goal of the Nutrition and Dietetics Degree, AS is to prepare students for a career in Nutrition and/or Dietetics. The competencies of this certificate are based on the knowledge section of o*Net Online Summary report for SOC code 29-2051.00 - Dietetic Technicians and 29-1031.00 - Dietitians and Nutritionists. The list below includes the courses within this certificate that substantially address each competency. This is a vocational instruction program and is therefore, aligned with the California Community Colleges mission as defined in CAL. O*Net Skills & Knowledge • Biology — BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Psychology — PSYCH 100(H) & FN 162 • Therapy and Counseling — PSYCH 100(H) • Mathematics — CULART 160, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Chemistry — CHEM 150(H), 151(H), 212(H) & FN162 • Reading Comprehension — CULART 160, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Active Listening — FN 098, CULART 160, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Critical Thinking — FN 098, CULART 160, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Social Perceptiveness — FN 098, CULART 160, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Writing — CULART 160, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Complex Problem Solving — FN 098, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Science — FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 • Time Management — FN 098, CULART 160, MATH 108, FN 162, PSYCH 100(H), CHEM 150(H), BIOL 250, 251, 260, 261, & 270 The program‐level student learning objective is: • Outline the overall nutritional needs of children and adults and develop comprehensive food plans to ensure nutritional needs are being met. • Students know the sources and functions of macronutrients and micronutrients. • Compare canned/packaged food products using the information on the Nutrition Facts Panel, ingredient list, and Daily Values. • Analyze a three day dietary intake by food groups and/or by nutrients (RDA) and write recommendations based on the data gleaned from the analysis.

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative


Program Requirements
Required Core Course (19 units) FN 162 Introduction to Food and Nutrition 3 CULART 160 Introduction to Foods 3 PSYCH 100 General Psychology 3 or PSYCH 100H General Psychology - Honors 3 CHEM 150 General Chemistry 5 or CHEM 150H General Chemistry - Honors 5 BIOL 270 Microbiology 5 FN 098 Food and Nutrition Work Experience 4 Select two courses (8-9 units) CHEM 151 General Chemistry II 5 or CHEM 151H General Chemistry II - Honors 5 CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry I 4 or CHEM 212H Organic Chemistry I - Honors 4 BIOL 260 Human Anatomy 4 or BIOL 261 Human Physiology 4 or BIOL 250 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 and BIOL 251 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 MATH 108 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 4 or PSYCH 105 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 4 Major Units 27-28 CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC for CSU Requirements 37-39 Total Units 60

Supporting Documents

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Inland/Empire Desert Regional Questions

Submission Details

Published at

06/05/18 - 02:12 PM



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Diann Thursby Super User   ·  07/16/18

Received regional recommendation at 7-11-18 IEDRC Deans Meeting.