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Submitter's Information


Teresa Ong


AVP Workforce


Bay Area


Foothill College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Teresa Ong

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Certificate of Achievement in Elementary After Care Education

Submission Type

New Program

TOPs Code

The School Age Child (130550)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description

  The Certificate of Achievement in Elementary After Care Education is designed to deepen the understanding of development of elementary aged children, and support children and their families in elementary after care education programs. 

Enrollment Completer Projections

We anticipate that 5 students willcomplete this certificate after 1 year, and that numbers will double insubsequent years after the certificate becomes better known.


Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 8 to fewer than 16 semester (or 12 to fewer than 24 quarter) units (B)
Program Goal

The Certificate of Achievement in Elementary After Care Education is designed to deepen understanding of children, their families and developmentally appropriate practices, while preparing students for careers in elementary after care programs. This certificate consists of classes that will deepen understanding of typical and exceptional development, as well as inform carefor children and collaboration with their families. This certificate focuses on the school age group. 


Program Learning Outcomes:

SLO #1:         Identify the behaviors and characteristics of children ages five to twelve years.


SLO #2:         Define the elements of developmentally appropriate, high quality school-age child care and practices.


Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative

In order to earn this certificate, students will be required to take 6 classes for a total of 21 units. 

Program Requirements
(Y1 or S1)
CHLD2Child Growth and Development4Y1Winter
CHILD 8Child, Family and Community 4Y1Winter
CHLD 53NCSupporting Children with Special Needs in Children's Programs3Y1, Fall
CHILD 56 NPrinciples and Practices of teaching Young Children4Y1, Fall
CHLD 59Working With School Age Children4Y1 Spring
CGKD 88BPositive Behavior Management4Y1 Spring

Supporting Documents

Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
The Certificate of Achievement in Elementary After Care Education prepares the child care workforce, by supplying entry-level teachers the units they need to start working in early elementary after care education. It is a starting place in the workforce and in their education. Students are encouraged to go on to gain an Associate’s degree with Foothill or a degree for Transfer. This program directly supports underrepresented populations, both the students in their career goals and the families of our community. This certificate is a replacement of the School-Age Child Care Certificate of Specialization, overlaps content with no other program outside of Child Development, and prepares the workforce by providing both academic and practical CTE coursework.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
I have informed the CTE director at Canada. Canada College also has a certificate called Youth and After School Certificate of Achievement. Looking at both programs, Canada's certificate is much more in depth while Foothill's certificate provides students with an entry point and entry level preparation of after care education. I do not think this will compete with Canada's program.

Submission Details

Published at

02/14/20 - 01:36 PM



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