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Submitter's Information


Margaret Bdzil


Senior Program Coordinator - Workforce Education


Bay Area


De Anza College

CTE Dean

CTE Dean's Name

Moaty Fayek

CTE Dean's Email

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Program Details

Program Title

Web Test Engineering

Submission Type


TOPs Code

Computer Software Development (070700)

Projected Start Date


Catalog Description
Students pursuing the Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement learn the fundamentals of web app and page testing including test engineering concepts, finding and filing defects, writing and organizing test cases within a Test Case Management tool, and automating test cases via the open-source Selenium WebDriver API and the Python programming language. Students who complete this certificate are qualified for a number of entry-level positions in the field of Web Test Engineering: Software Test Engineer, SQA Engineer, QA Analyst, Test Analyst, Tester, etc. Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to: • Find and report web app defects via a defect-tracking tool. • Write detailed test cases and organize them into test suites with a Test Case Management (TCM) tool.      • Use the Selenium WebDriver API with Python to create automated tests for web sites and apps.
Enrollment Completer Projections
Given De Anza College’s location within Silicon Valley, which employs thousands of software testing professionals, a Certificate of Achievement in Web Test Engineering that anticipates preparing 20 students per year for careers within this field will be helping to address this demand.

Program Proposal Attributes

Program Award Type(s) (Check all that apply)
  • Certificate of Achievement: 8 to fewer than 16 semester (or 12 to fewer than 24 quarter) units (B)
Program Goal
De Anza College’s Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement program is designed to meet the needs of both students and employers. The program provides students with the minimum skills required for entry-level employment as a web test engineer in the information technology (IT) sector. Students who complete this certificate program will meet the entry-level requirements for a wide range of occupations in the software development field, including: software tester, software test engineer, software development engineer in test, and software quality assurance engineer. Software test engineers test a wide variety of software: systems software such as MacOS and Windows; embedded software such as that in medical devices and defense systems; desktop software such as MS Office; mobile apps such as Apple Maps; and web apps. While the preparation of individuals for the full range of Software Test Engineering careers is beyond the scope of a community college, De Anza’s proposed Certificate of Achievement in Web Test Engineering prepares students for one of the most in demand occupations within the field. Students who complete the requirements for the Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement will have acquired the following basic competencies for a position in the field: • Computer programming with the most widely used compiled language—Java—which is frequently used to write tests for web applications and pages • Computer programming with a widely used scripting language—Python—which is also frequently used to write tests for web applications and pages • Web page development experience, including both HTML and JavaScript technologies • User-level experience with the most widely used operating system driving the Internet—Linux • Test automation programming using the widely used Selenium WebDriver Application Programming Interface (API) with Python • Working knowledge of core concepts in the discipline of software test engineering

Course Units and Hours

Total Certificate Units (Minimum and Maximum)


Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum and Maximum)


Total Units for Degree (Minimum and Maximum)


Course Report

Program Requirements Narrative


Program Requirements
Certificate of Achievement - Web Test Engineering NOTE: All units values listed are Quarter Units. CIS 18A - Introduction to Unix/Linux - 4.5 units (Year 1, Fall) CIS 41A - Python Programming - 4.5 units (Year 1, Winter) CIS 74 - Software Quality Assurance - 4.5 units (Year 1, Spring) CIS 89A - Web Page Development - 3 units (Year 1, Winter) CIS 89C - Client-Side Programming with JavaScript - 4.5 units (Year 1, Spring) SELECT ONE COURSE CIS 35A - Java Programming - 4.5 units (Year 1, Fall) OR CIS 36A - Introduction to Computer Programming Using Java - 4.5 (Year 1, Fall) Required Core Total: 21 units TOTAL UNITS: 25.5 units

Supporting Documents

Bay Area Regional Questions

Goal of Program


Include any other information you would like to share.
The Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement was developed in response to student requests for other recommended courses to take, in addition to Software Quality Assurance (CIS 74), in order to prepare for a career in software testing. Many students who enroll in the Software Quality Assurance course already have a degree and IT sector experience. However, many of these individuals are interested in making a career change or re-entering the workforce. The Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement offers these individuals the opportunity to expand and update their skill repertoire.
Please list similar programs at other colleges in the service area which may be impacted, including the name of the college, the name of the program that may be impacted, the name of the person you contacted and the outcome of that contact.
Although offerings in Computer Programming (TOP 0707.10) and Network Administration (TOP 0708.00) are offered by college around the Bay Region, no college within close proximity of De Anza College offers a certificate program similar to the proposed Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement. Given the strong Bay Area demand for software testing professionals, De Anza College’s Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement can serve as a model for other colleges in the region who wish to expand their CIS certificate program offerings. The proposed Web Test Engineering Certificate of Achievement is not so much a new program as it is a formalization of the counseling advice students interested in careers in web test engineering have been given by CIS faculty for the last several years.

Submission Details

Published at

03/16/18 - 02:04 PM



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